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11) What part of Hawkeye's body does Crossfire put a bounty on?

When Crossfire places a bounty on Hawkeye's right arm, Trick Shot returns to aid his former pupil. Along with Mockingbird, the two archers defeat an army of supervillains looking to lay claim to the bounty.

12) How many arrows can Hawkeye's quiver hold?

Hawkeye's biggest weakness is that he can only carry so many arrows. Top comic book sleuths have concluded that Hawkeye's quiver can hold no more than 32 arrows at a time.

13) Who challenges Hawkeye to duel to the death?

After Hawkeye reluctantly accepts the challenge, Trick Shot reveals that he is dying of cancer and wants to die honorably in battle. Hawkeye wins the duel, but instead of granting his former mentor's wish, he promises to fund his medical care.

14) What is Hawkeye's preferred mode of transportation?

The Sky-Cycle is modelled after a commercial snowmobile and is fitted with anti-gravitational technology. It is voice-operated and has an auto-pilot steering system. The original Sky-Cycle was custom made for Hawkeye by Jorge Latham while employed by Cross Technological Enterprises. Latham was later employed by the West Coast Avengers and built several more.

15) What weapon does Hawkeye carry in case he runs out of arrows?

As Hawkeye, Barton possesses a custom-made bow, quick-release quiver, a number of specialty arrows and a last-resort combat knife.

16) Which hero does Hawkeye kill?

Clint is approached by Bruce Banner, who gives him a specialized arrow tip and instructions for killing Hulk if he should ever transform again. Months later, when the Inhuman precog Ulysses Cain has a vision that Banner is going to transform into the Hulk and kill everyone, Clint watches from the bushes as a team of heroes confronts Banner. Seeing his rising level of anger and frustration, Clint notches the arrow and shoots Banner dead.

17) What new identity does Hawkeye assume as a member of the New Avengers?

After returning from the dead, Clint abandons his Hawkeye persona and joins the New Avengers under the mantle of Ronin.