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1960s TRIVIA

1) What scientific breakthrough was introduced to the world in 1960?

Although the FDA approved the first birth control pill in 1960, contraceptives were not available to married women in all states until Griswold v. Connecticut in 1965 and were not available to unmarried women in all states until Eisenstadt v. Baird in 1972.

2) Who was Johnny Carson's sidekick on The Tonight Show?

On October 1, 1962, Johnny Carson took over The Tonight Show with sidekick and second banana Ed McMahon. For the next thirty years, McMahon would introduce Carson with a drawn-out "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny!"

3) What music festival was held August 15-18, 1969, on Max Yasgur's dairy farm in Bethel, New York?

Billed as "An Aquarian Experience: 3 Days of Peace and Music," the concert was expected to draw 50,000 attendees, but instead drew an estimated 500,000, most of whom crashed the concert without paying. The epic event would later be known simply as Woodstock and become synonymous with the counterculture movement of the 1960s.

4) Where did the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. deliver his famous "I Have a Dream" speech?

Delivered to over 250,000 civil rights supporters from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. on August 28, 1963, the speech was a defining moment of the civil rights movement and helped rally support for the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

5) Who was the first man to walk on the moon?

When Neil Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface on July 20, 1969, he famously said: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

6) Who sold the most albums during the 1960s?

Of the top thirteen biggest-selling albums of the decade, ten were by The Beatles. The other three were motion picture soundtracks.

7) What kind of cans did Andy Warhol famously paint?

Campbell's Soup Cans, produced between November 1961 and April 1962, is a work of art consisting of thirty-two canvases, each painted with a Campbell's Soup can--one of each variety offered by the company at the time.

8) On what variety show did the Beatles make their U.S. debut?

On 7 February 1964, the Beatles left the UK with an estimated 4,000 fans gathered at Heathrow, waving and screaming as the aircraft took off. Upon landing at New York's John F. Kennedy Airport, an uproarious crowd estimated at 3,000 greeted them. They gave their first live U.S. television performance two days later on The Ed Sullivan Show, watched by approximately 73 million viewers in over 23 million households, or 34 percent of the American population.

9) What classic car was first revealed to the public at the 1964 World's Fair in New York?

In continuous production since 1964, the Mustang is currently the longest-produced Ford car nameplate and one of the most recognizable automobiles in the world.

10) Which candidates took part in the first televised presidential debate?

On September 26, 1960, John F. Kennedy squared off against Richard Nixon in the first televised presidential debates in U.S. history. Kennedy emerged the apparent winner from this first debate, partly owing to his greater ease before the camera than Nixon, who, unlike Kennedy, seemed nervous, sweated profusely, and declined to wear makeup.