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141) What group released the song "Little Saint Nick"?

"Little Saint Nick" is a holiday-themed hot rod song about Santa Claus and his sleigh, written by Brian Wilson and Mike Love for the American rock band the Beach Boys.

142) What band released the Christmas song "Don't Shoot Me Santa"?

"Don't Shoot Me Santa" is a song by Las Vegas-based rock band The Killers.

143) Which Christmas special almost didn't air because TV executives didn't like it?

A Charlie Brown Christmas almost wasn't released because executives thought it was too slow. One CBS executive reportedly told Charles Schulz, "Well, you gave it a good shot. Believe me, we're big Peanuts fans, but maybe it's better suited to the comic page." The special ended up winning an Emmy and still airs every year.

144) What was Rudolph almost named instead?

Rudolph was born in 1939, at the Montgomery Ward department store headquarters in Chicago. He was the star of a humble coloring book, written by copywriter Robert May, who almost named the protagonist "Reginald."

145) What did Gayla Peevey want for Christmas?

"I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" is a Christmas novelty song originally performed by Gayla Peevey who was 10 years old at the time. The song peaked at number 24 on Billboard magazine's pop chart in December 1953.

146) What special ZIP code did the Canadian Post Office create for Santa Claus?

"H0H 0H0" is the Canadian equivalent of Saint Nick's personal ZIP code, providing an easy way to funnel letters meant for Santa to a central location.

147) How many horses are pulling the sleigh in "Jingle Bells"?

Dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh
O'er the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Ha ha ha

148) Which Christmas carol contains the line "Everyone dancing merrily in the new old fashioned way?"

Rocking around the Christmas tree have a happy holiday
Everyone's dancing merrily in the new old-fashioned way

149) What had grandma been drinking before she got run over by a reindeer?

She'd been drinking too much eggnog
And we begged her not to go
But she forgot her medication
And she staggered out the door into the snow

150) The Nutcracker ballet marked the first use of what instrument in an orchestral score?

The score is noted for its use of the celesta, a keyboard instrument which produces sounds like bells.