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11) What power does the ring give Bilbo?

In the sequel, The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien ascribes to the Ring a darker character, with malevolent power going far beyond conferring invisibility.

12) Which character can change into a bear?

Gandalf believes that Beorn is either a descendant of the bears who had lived in the Misty Mountains before the arrival of the giants, or a descendant of the men who had lived in the region before the arrival of the dragons or Orcs from the north.

13) What creatures save Bilbo and company from the Wargs?

The goblins and Wargs give chase, but the company is saved by eagles before resting in the house of Beorn.

14) What is Gollum's name for his ring?

The Ring, which Gollum referred to as "my precious" or "precious", extended his life far beyond natural limits. Centuries of the Ring's influence twisted Gollum's body and mind, and, by the time of the novels, he "loved and hated the Ring, just as he loved and hated himself."

15) What instrument do Bifur and Bofur play?

During the first evening at Bag End, when Thorin calls for music, Bifur and Bofur play their clarinets.

16) Who lives in Rivendell?

Rivendell, or Imladris, is an Elven town in the Misty Mountains on the eastern edge of Eriador. Because of its location, it is called "The Last Homely House East of the Sea" from the point of view of a traveler going to the Misty Mountains and Wilderland; and also the First Homely House from the point of view of someone coming from these lands to the civilized lands of Eriador to the west.

17) Where has the Necromancer taken up residence?

The forest became known as Mirkwood after it fell under the influence of the Necromancer. Previously, it had been known as Greenwood the Great.

18) Who kills Smaug?

When Smaug attacks Lake-town, Bard is the last of the archers to stand his post. Although the dragon is immune to arrows, Bard finds a weak spot in his armor.

19) What is the name of Bilbo's hillside home?

Bag End was a Hobbit-hole situated at the end of Bagshot Row in Hobbiton. It was the home of Bilbo Baggins, afterwards of Frodo Baggins, and later of Samwise Gamgee and his wife Rosie Cotton.

20) Which race does not play a major role in the Battle of the Five Armies?

The conflict was named the "Battle of Five Armies" because its main forces were from five different Middle-earth races: Goblins, Wargs, Elves, Men and Dwarves.