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11) Where is Scott the first time he shrinks?

After trying on the suit, Scott inadvertently shrinks down to the size of an insect while standing in the bathtub and is almost washed down the drain by Luis.

12) Who helps Scott escape from prison?

Scott returns the stolen suit only to be discovered by the police and arrested. Hank poses as a lawyer and smuggles the Ant-Man suit to Lang's cell to help him break out.

13) Which ant ranks highest on Schmidt's sting pain index?

The bullet ant (Paraponera clavata) tops the chart with a Schmidt's sting pain index of 4.0+. Some victims compare the pain to being shot.

14) Who disappears into a subatomic quantum realm while disabling a Soviet nuclear missile?

In a flashback, Hank's wife Janet van Dyne (a.k.a. the Wasp) sacrifices herself to disarm a Soviet ICBM bound for the United States and is presumed dead.

15) What does Scott name ant #247?

Under Hank's control, Ant-thony helps Scott escape from prison. He later helps him infiltrate Cross Technologies.

16) Which Avenger is Scott forced to fight when he steals a device from Tony Stark?

Hank sends Scott to steal a device from the New Avengers Facility, which he mistakenly believes to be a Stark Industries warehouse. This leads to an encounter with Falcon, who is guarding the facility.

17) What was Luis arrested for stealing?

HOPE: You know he was arrested for stealing a smoothie machine, right?
LUIS: Two smoothie machines.

18) How does Luis plan to "blend in" when he poses as a security guard?

LUIS: You know what, I was thinking of a tactic, like when I go undercover, like, ahh, whistling, you know what I'm saying, to like blend in.
SCOTT: No. Don't whistle. No whistling. It's not The Andy Griffith Show.

19) How does Scott infiltrate Cross Technologies?

Luis, posing as a security guard, gains access to the building's water main and shuts it off long enough for Scott and his army of ants to gain access.

20) Who does Cross sell the Yellowjacket suit to?

As his security team holds Hank and Hope at gunpoint, Cross chastises Hank for his failures and reveals that Mitchell Carson intends to purchase the Yellowjacket suit for HYDRA.