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21) Whose blood did the Kree put in Carol's veins?

After abducting her from the crash site, the Kree suppressed Carol's memories and gave her a transfusion of Yon-Rogg's blood to make her think she was Kree.

22) Where does Carol put the Tesseract for safe-keeping?

She stores it in a Happy Days lunch box she finds on Mar-Vell's desk, before transferring it to the Flerken's stomach.

23) What else does Carol find hidden in Mar-Vell's lab?

When Carol finds the lab full of Skrull refugees, she resolves to not only defeat her former Kree comrades, but to protect the Skrulls and help them find a new planet.

24) Who shoots down Minn-Erva's ship?

Maria pilots the Quadjet to get Fury and the Skrull refugees to safety. When Minn-Erva follows in a dropship, Maria uses her piloting skills to out-maneuver Minn-Erva and shoot her out of the sky.

25) Who does Carol send back to Hala with a message?

YON-ROBB: I can't go back empty-handed.
CAROL: You won't be empty-handed. I'm sending you with a message. Tell the Supreme Intelligence that I'm coming to end it. The war. The lies. All of it.

26) Who blinds Fury in one eye?

After saving Skrull refugees and protecting the Tesseract from Starforce and Kree soldiers, Goose is responsible for permanently blinding Fury's left eye with her claws.

27) What does Carol upgrade for Fury?

Before Captain Marvel departs Earth with the Skrulls, she hands Fury a modified pager--just in case he ever needs to contact her in the event of an emergency.