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11) What demon does Kaecilius summon?

He forms the Zealots with the intention of defeating the Ancient One and bringing the inter-dimensional being known as Dormammu to Earth.

12) What device allows sorcerers to travel throughout the Multiverse?

A Sling Ring is a small two-finger mystical ring imbued with the power to create a portal to another location or even a different dimension.

13) Where does the Ancient One take Strange?

She takes him to the top of Mount Everest and leaves him stranded there, hoping the horrific cold will motivate him to create a portal back home. It does.

14) What dimension do sorcerers use for training?

The Mirror Dimension allows an advanced sorcerer to practice more dangerous spells without adversely affecting the real world.

15) Who wears the Vaulting Boots of Valtorr?

The Vaulting Boots of Valtorr are a mystically-enhanced pair of boots used by Mordo to move freely in the air. They increase the wearer's leaping ability, nullify the adverse effects of impacts from high landings, and are even capable of allowing the wearer to briefly walk on air.

16) What does Strange use to restore the stolen pages from the Book of Cagliostro?

After learning to bend time with the Eye of Agamotto, a powerful relic created by the first Sorcerer Supreme, Strange realizes he can use it to restore the missing pages.

17) What relic chooses Doctor Strange during his fight with Kaecilius?

While all relics "choose" their masters, the Cloak of Levitation possesses a will of its own and moves by its own accord. During Strange's fight with Kaecilius, the cloak intervenes on his behalf, effectively choosing its new master.

18) Who does Strange go to for help when he is stabbed?

After he is stabbed through the chest with a Space Shard, Strange seeks out Christine Palmer at the Metro-General Hospital. She successfully operates on his physical body as he defends himself against attacks on the Astral Plane.

19) Where does the Ancient One draw her power from?

She draws power from the Dark Dimension to preserve her immortality.

20) What is the last Sanctum to fall?

Wong leads a team against Kaecilius and his followers, but they are ultimately defeated, leading to the fall of the Hong Kong Sanctum, which is destroyed while the Dark Dimension invades Earth. However, the battle takes a new turn as Doctor Strange and Mordo join the fight, using the powers of the Eye of Agamotto to revert time and rebuild the Sanctum.