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11) What fake name does Natasha use when she first meets Tony in Iron Man 2?

Tony appoints Pepper Potts as CEO of Stark Industries, and hires "Natalie Rushman" to replace her as his personal assistant.

12) What animal does Darren Cross unsuccessfully shrink in Ant-Man?

Cross uses lambs as test subjects, despite promising Hope that they would be using rats.

13) In The Avengers, which character remarks that the Battle of New York is just like Budapest?

BLACK WIDOW: Just like BUDAPEST all over again!
HAWKEYE: You and I remember Budapest very differently.

14) In Deadpool, Wade Wilson teams up with Colossus and what other member of the X-Men?

Just as he corners Ajax, Deadpool is interrupted by Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, who attempt to recruit him to join the X-Men. In the confusion, Ajax escapes, but the three heroes later team up to take him down.

15) What organization takes over S.H.I.E.L.D. in Captain America: The Winter Soldier?

From the moment S.H.I.E.L.D. was founded after World War II, HYDRA has been secretly operating within its ranks, sowing global chaos with the objective of making humanity surrender its freedom in exchange for security. The infiltration is exposed during Project Insight, and HYDRA, in an effort to save itself, begins purging all S.H.I.E.L.D. facilities of non-HYDRA aligned individuals.

16) In Guardians of the Galaxy, which actress is Quill's ship named after?

The Milano is named after Peter Quill's childhood crush Alyssa Milano.

17) What is the name of the little boy Tony befriends in Iron Man 3?

Harley helps Tony repair his suit and investigate various incidents associated with the Extremis project. Afterwards, he is rewarded with a garage-full of high-tech equipment.

18) Which Avenger does Thor team up with in Thor: Ragnarok?

Thor is forced to compete in the Grandmaster's Contest of Champions, facing his old pal--the Hulk.

19) What kind of war animal is bred by the Border Tribe in Black Panther?

During the Battle of Mount Bashenga, W'Kabi calls for the Border Tribe's war rhinoceroses. Thanks to these reinforcements, the Border Tribe gains the upper hand against the Dora Milaje until Okoye stands in front of a charging rhino and saves M'Baku's life.

20) In Ant-Man, where does Hank Pym keep an army tank?

The shrunken tank is a T-34 Soviet Combat Vehicle exposed to Pym Particles that Hank keeps as a keychain in case he ever needs an escape vehicle.