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11) What film beat The Wizard of Oz out for Best Picture?

The film was nominated for six Oscars, but lost Best Picture to Gone with the Wind.

12) Which character says: "You billowing bale of bovine fodder?!"

THE WIZARD: And you, Scarecrow, have the effrontery to ask for a brain, you billowing bale of bovine fodder?!
SCARECROW: [He bows and approaches on his knees] Yes, Your Honor-- I mean Your Excellency-- I mean Your Wizardry!

13) What is the date on the Wicked Witch's death certificate?

The Wicked Witch's death certificate is dated May 6, 1938, the 20th anniversary of L. Frank Baum's death.

14) Who directed The Wizard of Oz?

It was directed primarily by Victor Fleming, who eventually left production to take over direction of the troubled Gone with the Wind production.

15) What was used to simulate the Tin Man's tears?

Of course, he's supposed to shed machine oil, but real oil didn't photograph well, so the production substituted chocolate syrup.

16) At the beginning of the movie, what does Dorothy fall into?

Dorothy falls into a pig pen, then kicks and screams as she's being rescued.

17) Where is Dorothy from?

When she lands in Oz, Dorothy says, "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."

18) What was the Cowardly Lion's costume made of?

Talk about authentic! The costume, which was made from actual lion pelts, sold for more than $3 million at a New York City auction in 2014.

19) What is Dorothy's last name?

The last name of Gale was originally mentioned in Baum's script for the 1902 Broadway stage version of The Wizard of Oz, in which it was a setup for a joke. (DOROTHY: "I am Dorothy, and I am one of the Kansas Gales.")

20) Who did Dorothy meet first?

Dorothy met her friends in this order: Scarecrow, Tim Man, Cowardly Lion.