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21) Who does Hamilton face off against in "Cabinet Battle #1"?

Jefferson and Hamilton debate the merits of Hamilton's financial plan. Afterwards, Washington pulls Hamilton aside and tells him to find some compromise to win over Congress.

22) Who does Alexander compare to Macbeth?

HAMILTON: They think me Macbeth, and ambition is my folly
I'm a polymath, a pain in the ass, a massive pain
Madison is Banquo, Jefferson's Macduff
And Birnam Wood is Congress on its way to Dunsinane

23) Who does Alexander have an affair with?

When his family travels upstate for the summer, Alexander begins an affair with Maria Reynolds, a woman who claims to be abandoned by her husband. But her husband finds out about the affair and blackmails Hamilton.

24) Which character sings "The Room Where It Happens"?

Burr expresses his envy of Alexander's influence in the newly-formed government and decides to run for political office in order to be in the metaphorical "room where it happens".

25) What does Washington want to teach the people to do?

WASHINGTON: One last time
The people will hear from me
One last time
And if we get this right
We're gonna teach 'em how to say goodbye

26) What does Eliza do after Alexander makes his affair public?

ELIZA: The world has no right to my heart
The world has no place in our bed
They don't get to know what I said
I'm burning the memories
Burning the letters that might have redeemed you

27) How does Hamilton's son die?

Philip, now grown, challenges New York lawyer George Eacker to a duel for insulting his father. Following Alexander's advice, Philip aims for the sky at the beginning of the duel, hoping the gesture will cause Eacker to stand down, but Eacker shoots him anyway.

28) Who does Hamilton endorse in the presidential election of 1800?

Burr is furious at Hamilton's endorsement of Jefferson and challenges Hamilton to a duel for keeping him out of "the room where it happens".

29) What does Eliza found after Alexander's death?

ELIZA: Can I show you what I'm proudest of? I established the first private orphanage in New York City. I help to raise hundreds of children. I get to see them growing up. In their eyes I see you, Alexander.