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11) What does space smell like?

The final frontier smells a lot like a Nascar race--a bouquet of hot metal, diesel fumes and barbecue.

12) How old is the Universe?

Measurements made by NASA's WMAP spacecraft have shown that the universe is 13.7 billion years old, plus or minus about 130,000 years.

13) Which planet has a hexagonal-shaped storm?

Saturn's northern hemisphere has a raging six-sided storm nicknamed "the hexagon." Why exactly it's that shape is a mystery. But what is known is that this hexagon, which shares several features in common with hurricanes, has been there for at least decades -- if not hundreds of years.

14) Which planet has the largest ocean?

Computer models show that not only is Jupiter's ocean (made of liquid hydrogen) the largest in the solar system, but that it is about 25,000 miles (40,000 km) deep -- roughly as deep as the Earth is around!

15) How long does each season last on Neptune?

Neptune has four seasons, just like Earth. But unlike Earth, each season on Neptune lasts more than 40 years!

16) How many Earths could fit inside the sun?

About a million duplicates of Earth could comfortably fit inside the sun.

17) How far from Earth is the closest star other than the sun?

Faint Proxima Centauri claims the honor of being our nearest stellar neighbor at only 4.24 light years away.

18) Which planet radiates more heat than it gets from the sun?

Jupiter radiates about 1.6 times as much heat, in the form of infrared energy, as it receives from the sun, whereas Saturn and Neptune radiate 2.3 and 2.6 times the heat they get from the sun. This indicates that all three planets have some internal source of energy.

19) How hot is the sun's core?

At the core of the sun, gravitational attraction produces immense pressure and temperature, which can reach more than 27 million degrees Fahrenheit (15 million degrees Celsius).

20) How long is a day on Jupiter?

Jupiter has the shortest day of all the planets. It turns on its axis once every 9 hours and 55 minutes.