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1) What is Raymond's job?

Ray often uses his position as a sportswriter as an excuse to watch sports in the living room or go play golf rather than help Debra with chores.

2) Who lives across the street from Raymond?

Raymond's overbearing parents, Marie and Frank, live right across the street.

3) What did Raymond shove up his nose as a child?

When Ray was a child, he shoved Cocoa Puffs up his nose and had to be taken to the hospital to have them removed (by crushing them in his nostrils and blowing out the crumbs).

4) What strange habit does Robert have?

Robert displays several quirks, which include facing his toothbrush east, keeping his left socks in his left drawer and his right socks in his right drawer, eating his foods in alphabetical order, separating nuts into nut groups, screaming at pickles, and sleeping with a tennis racket under his bed as a "ghost swatter".

5) Ray first met Debra when he delivered a _____ to her apartment.

In "How They Met", a flashback shows Ray working as a futon delivery guy. After asking Debra on a date during a delivery, he accidentally sees her naked. Embarrassed, he cancels the date, but she tracks him down and makes a false complaint about her futon. He comes over to fix it, and she offers him food, making it their first official date.

6) Who is the first character to say the line "Everybody loves Raymond"?

Robert, who has lived in Ray's shadow all his life, utters this phrase in the very first episode.

7) Which character had a bed-wetting problem as a child?

Growing up, Robert thought he had a bed-wetting problem, but it was actually Ray pouring water in his bed while he slept.

8) What does Raymond do when Debra starts choking on an orange slice?

Not realizing that she's choking, Ray turns up the volume on the television. Needless to say, when Debra finally manages to swallow the orange, Raymond finds himself in hot water.

9) What does Frank give out instead of candy in "Halloween Candy"?

Planning to have a little fun after the Halloween festivities are over, Ray buys a whole box of colorful condoms. But while they are out trick-or-treating with the kids, Frank, thinking it's a package of chocolate coins, accidentally gives out the condom packages to trick-or-treating kids.

10) In "Marie's Meatballs", how does Marie sabotage Debra's meatballs?

Ray suggests that Marie teach Debra how to make her famous spaghetti and meatballs, but Debra's meatballs just taste weird. With some help from Robert, Debra discovers that Marie sabotaged her meatballs by placing a label for basil on a bottle of tarragon.