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21) Which Klingon conspired with Romulans at Khitomer?

Ja'rod was assigned to the outpost of Khitomer. He provided the shield codes to the Romulan attack force, enabling them to lower the outpost's shields and devastate the outpost.

22) What kind of animal do Klingons keep as pets?

Targs are foraging animals native to Qo'noS which somewhat resembled Terran boars with spikes on their backs. The Klingons enjoy hunting wild targ but also maintain agricultural herds for consumption and commonly keep targs as pets.

23) What was the name of the first Klingon Emperor?

Sometime in the 9th century, Kahless defeated his enemies, including Molor and the Fek'Ihri, on the field of battle and founded the mighty Klingon Empire, uniting the Klingon people and giving them the laws of honor. Upon his death, Kahless promised he would return one day and lead the Empire again.

24) What Klingon dish did Worf's human mother prepare for him as a child?

Rokeg blood pie was one of Worf's favorite foods. When he was a child, his adoptive mother Helena Rozhenko learned how to prepare it just for him. However she never acquired a taste for it herself.

25) Which class of Klingon starship was introduced in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock?

The Bird of Prey is the first Klingon vessel depicted with a cloaking device. The Boeing Bird of Prey, a real-life black project aircraft intended to demonstrate stealth technology, was named after the Klingon Bird of Prey.

26) Which Klingon married Quark?

After Quark took credit for killing her husband, even though he had actually fallen on his own blade, Grilka forced the Ferengi to marry her at knifepoint so she could retain control of her house.

27) What was the name of Worf's son?

Alexander was conceived during a brief encounter between Worf and the Klingon ambassador K'Ehleyr when she came aboard the USS Enterprise-D in an effort to defuse a potential crisis presented by the return of a Klingon D7 class battle cruiser, the IKS T'Ong, that had been dispatched decades before as a sleeper ship.

28) Which species did the Klingons fight in the Battle of Klach D'kel Brakt?

The Battle of Klach D'kel Brakt was a decisive battle fought between the Klingon and Romulan Empires in 2271. The Klingon forces, led by Kor, achieved a memorable victory.

29) What was the first stage play to be performed entirely in Klingon?

Originally created as a fundraiser for Commedia Beauregard theatre company in 2007, A Klingon Christmas Carol is Charles Dickens' classic tale of ghosts and redemption adapted to reflect the Klingon values of courage and honor, translated into Klingon, and performed with English supertitles.