Mobirise v2.11.1
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1) Who is the main protagonist of the Pokémon anime series?

The series starts with Ash Ketchum's tenth birthday, which according to Pokémon trainer registration bylaws allows him to become a full-fledged Pokémon trainer and obtain a starter Pokémon.

2) Which Pokémon is known as the Bone Keeper?

The Marowak collects bones from a secret graveyard and throws them skillfully like a boomerang to KO targets.

3) Which starter Pokémon did Ash receive from Professor Oak?

Ash was offered a choice between three Pokémon as his starter: Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charmander. While he was planning to choose Squirtle, he received Pikachu instead, because he woke up late and all the other starter Pokémon had been taken by other trainers.

4) Which rabbit-eared Pokémon is genetically unstable?

Eevee's unstable genetic code allows it to evolve into one of eight different Pokémon, informally known as "Eeveelutions".

5) Which of the following can Eevee NOT evolve into?

Charmander evolves into Charmeleon who then evolves into Charizard.

6) Who are Ash's primary enemies?

Ever since being defeated by Ash's Pikachu, the comical and bumbling members of Team Rocket, Jessie and James and their talking Meowth, have obsessively chased after Ash, hoping to steal his Pokémon.

7) Which Pokémon is a fire type?

Vulpix has a flame inside its body that never goes out, and is capable of manipulating fire to such precision as to create floating wisps of flame. When the temperature outside increases, it will expel flames from its mouth to prevent its body from overheating.

8) What did Tapu Koko, the guardian of Melemele Island, give Ash?

A Z-Ring allows a trainer to bring forth super-powered attacks from their Pokémon. When Ash used the Z-Ring for the first time with Pikachu, it produced a massive surge of energy that overloaded and shattered the Z-Crystal that powered it.

9) Which Pokémon will die if the fire on its tail goes out?

The flame on its tail indicates Charmander's life force. If it is healthy, the flame burns brightly.

10) What can Pikachu evolve into if exposed to a Thunder Stone?

Raichu glows in the dark, and is capable of storing over 100,000 volts of electricity. However, it will become aggressive if it has stored too much electricity. To keep from reaching this state, it discharges electricity through its tail into the ground.