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1) What is inscribed on the bullet MI6 receives in the mail?

In London, a golden bullet with James Bond's code "007" etched into its surface is received by MI6. It is believed that it was sent by the famed assassin Francisco Scaramanga, who uses a golden gun, to intimidate the agent.

2) What extra body part does Scaramanga have?

BOND: No photograph on file, but he does have one distinguishing feature, however. A superfluous papilla.
M: A what?
BOND: A mammary gland. A third nipple, sir.

3) Who hires an assassin to kill Scaramanga?

Scaramanga himself pays for the assassin, putting a bounty on his own head in order to stay sharp.

4) Who sings the title song for The Man With the Golden Gun?

Producers considered giving "The Man with the Golden Gun" to Alice Cooper, but opted instead for British pop singer Lulu who sounded similar to Shirley Bassey, the singer of several previous Bond title tracks such as "Goldfinger" and "Diamonds are Forever".

5) Where was Scaramanga born?

BOND: Scaramanga? Oh, yes. The man with the golden gun. Born in the circus. Father, the ringmaster, possibly Cuban. Mother, English, a snake charmer. He was a spectacular trick-shot artist by the time he was 10 and a local Rio gunman at 15. The KGB recruited him there and trained him in Europe where he became an overworked, underpaid assassin.

6) How much does Scaramanga currently charge for a hit?

He charges $1 million a shot. But he never misses.

7) Who does M suggest might want Bond dead?

BOND: I mean, sir, who would pay a million dollars to have me killed?
M: Jealous husbands, outraged chefs, humiliated tailors. The list is endless.

8) Which 00 did Scaramanga previously kill?

BOND: Moneypenny, Fairbanks.
BOND: No, Bill Fairbanks, 002.
MONEYPENNY: Oh, poor Bill. I miss him.
BOND: The man with the golden gun didn't.
MONEYPENNY: Officially, that was never confirmed.

9) Where is Saida wearing the bullet that killed 002?

Saida is a belly dancer in a cabaret in Beirut. She was with 002 when he was shot through the neck and saved the bullet, which she has made into a belly ring for good luck.

10) What caliber gun does Scaramanga use?

BOND: Just tell me where it was made and by whom.
COLTHORPE: Well, fortunately it's all in one piece. 20.003 grams, which leads us to deduce it was fired from a 4.2mm gun.
BOND: Colthorpe, there's no such thing as a 4.2mm gun.
Q: The fact that no recognized munitions manufacturer, military or simple, produces such a bullet doesn't mean it doesn't exist, 007.